
Webinar Sept 22 - Information from OMAFRA on Reopening with Vaccination Certificates

 Proof of Vaccination: Fairs, Rural Exhibitions, Festivals PPT slide deck 


Webinar July 21 - Information from OMAFRA on Step 3 Reopening as it pertains to the Fairs, Exhibitions, and Events

Our Guests


  • The Honourable Lisa Thompson  Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Rick Berthiaume,  Manager, Operations Support, Business Development Branch, OMAFRA
  • Cordelia Clarke Julien, Assistant Deputy Minister COVID Agri-Food Secretariat Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
  • Tim Metzger, Manager, COVID Analytics and Policy Unit, COVID     Agri-Food Secretariat, OMAFRA
  • Rossana Perry, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Initiatives & Programs Coordinator, Business Development Branch




  OMAFRA slide deck
COVID-19Risk Assessment Checklist  Click here download 


Webinar July 7 - Information from OMAFRA on Step 2 Reopening as it pertains to the Fairs and Exhibitions

Our Guests

  • Rick Berthiaume, Manager, Operations Support, Business Development Branch, OMAFRA
  • Tim Metzger, Manager, COVID Analytics and Policy Unit, COVID  Agri-Food Secretariat, OMAFRA
  • Ronald Landry, Senior Manager, Provincial Industrial Health and Safety, Industrial Health and Safety Program, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills development
  • Christine Wenger, Senior Policy Advisor, COVID Analytics and Policy Unit, COVID Agri-Food Secretariat, OMAFRA


Reopening Ontario

O. Reg. 263/20 -Rules for Areas in Step 2 

COVID-19 Public health measures and advice


District 1 COVID-19 Risk Assessment Checklist  Click here

  Ontario Logo. Public Health Unit Locator. Ministry of Health.


What's up Wednesdays - OAAS Webinars

"What's up Wednesdays." Are starting at 7 pm for approximately an hour.

I want to thank all the presenters for agreeing to share their experiences and expertise with everyone. These webinar topics may change slightly as we move forward. 

 Special thank you to Christina Franc, Executive Director of CAFE. Christina did an excellent job last year keeping track of the chat and questions and has agreed to help facilitate these sessions with me again this year. I appreciate Christina's assistance and expertise.

Please mark your calendars for the following Webinars/discussions.

June 2 

Discussions on the importance of Websites, Facebook, and social media platforms and keeping them up-to-date.  What works and what doesn't For Recording Click here

Doug Van Wolde  - Owner of Website development company and past President of Markham Fair will be speaking on websites.
Here are the links to Doug's presentation and handout.



Douglas van Wolde
President Website Developers Inc. - Design, Maintenance & Marketing.

Jane Matthews - Lead, Marketing & Communications - Digital Initiatives at Canadian National Exhibition will be speaking on social media platforms.


May 26 

Roundtable Discussions  For Recording Click here
What Ag Societies have done over the past 12 months to engage their communities, volunteers, exhibitors, and sponsors with modified fair events and other activities.

  • Carp Fair  -  Jean Sullivan, Faye Potter, Kaytlin Barr -  topic from Convention -  it was well-received. "When you can't have a Fair, have.. a showcase."
  • Comber Fair –  Grace Mullen – the Comber Agricultural Society organized some great events in their community this spring, i.e. Comber Easter hunt and colouring contest.
  • Picton Fair -  Tina Hiddink and Larry Everall  is sharing their drive-through ideas from 2020 and plans for 2021

May 19

District One COVID 19 Risk Assessment Checklist    For Recording Click here

  • District One - Valerie Allen, Liz O'Gorman-Smit, Meredith Brophy – will be discussing their Assessment checklist they developed for District 1 Agricultural Societies to prepare for their fairs and events. 
    District 1 COVID-19 Risk Assessment Checklist  Click here
  •    Testimonial from Cheryl Muir - General Manager, Paris Fair as to how they used and adapted the District 1 plan for their Fair
  •     Special offer from CAFE: grounds density evaluation. To sign up, email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    As you plan future pandemic programming on your grounds, you will need to accurately calculate how many people you can have on grounds at a single time while respecting social distancing. This density impact study will be invaluable for various levels of government and local health departments to access your plan for opening.

    CAFE has negotiated a deal with one of our partners to help. If you are a member of CAFE, have your grounds density calculated for $99. Non-members: $250.

    Our Partner, Scooter Korek, will work with you to map your outdoor maximum exhibition space attendance density. The final map will give you an estimate of the square footage in each section and use this to provide maximum attendance measurements at 6, 8 and 10 feet of social distancing. You can then use these numbers and the sectional map as part of your reopening plans for various events and programs. Additionally, we can provide revised maps increasing capacity based on different scenarios and layouts. 

    To participate, we will require an overhead picture of your grounds during your event (Google Maps, drone or other). If an event overhead is not available, we will ask you to label all public spaces on an overhead picture of your vacant grounds. We have samples available if needed. 

    Scooter has completed density impact maps for the Mississippi State Fair, The Greater Gulf State Fair and Miami Dade County Fair that have garnered approvals to open with local health and government officials. He has also recently developed maps for Edmonton K-Days, Red Deer Westerner Days and Winnipeg Red River Exhibition.

    Note: Neither CAFE nor the partner assume any liability related to the success or failure of your event proposals or the events themselves. The information provided is an estimate only.

    To sign up, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


May 12 

Roundtable Discussions - on the following questions   For Recording Click here 
(you can skip the very start and move the bar at the bottom over to about 3 and half minutes to start)

  • What actions are you taking to remain viable until you can operate again? 
  • What are your biggest concerns about re-opening? 
  • How are you keeping your members and volunteers engaged?
  • What are you doing to capitalize on the forced "downtime" in your organization? It's been said now is the time to either try something new or work on things that have been on your to-do list forever (governance policies, for example);

May 11 

CAFE "Seize the Opportunity" -   For Recording Click here 
CAFE May 20 Seize the Opportunity: Canadian Spending report Click here

May 5 

Planning for holding in-person events while adhering to all COVID-19 safety protocols.
For Recording
Click here 
LEX's Draft COVID Cattle Show Protocols  Click here

Harry Stoddart, General Manager, Lindsay Ex

  • Lessons learned from hosting in-person events, livestock shows in 2020, sharing the work they have done around safety protocols, etc.

Cheryl Muir, General Manager, Paris Agricultural Society

  • Sharing ideas about going ahead with a traditional 2021 Fair as much as possible. What they are planning on and what changes need to happen


District 11 Virtual Fair Ideas Parade Click here

District 11 Virtual Horse Show Click here

District 1 COVID-19 Risk Assessment Checklist  Click here

District 13 Western Fair District  Modified Virtual events - Bridget Mahon is Events Manager and the competition coordinator for competitions at Western Fair Association and she is happy to share information with you. Last year they held a modified virtual creative arts competition (photography, horticulture, crafts, art, culinary competitions) and are planning to do so again this year. Bridget's email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and phone number is 519-630-8030.

District 14 New Liskeard Fall Fair held a Virtual Ambassador program for the most which went over well. Please contact Sharron Graydon for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


OAAS has received a couple of requests from Agricultural Societies looking for some information on holding virtual and/or modified Judging Competitions. i.e. what did you do; what went well, what you would change, etc.

We are looking for your assistance at this time

  1. Agricultural Societies  that would like to share their experiences from 2020 in our Webinar
  2. Agricultural Societies that would be willing to share their experiences individually with other Agricultural Societies that are looking for some information and suggestions on holding a virtual or modified Judging Competition or Showcase this year.

If you are interested, please provide me with the following information

  1. Agricultural Society name:
  2. Participation in the Webinar and/ or in speaking directly with other Agricultural Societies
  3. Contact name(s) and contact information (email and /or phone number):
  4. Description of Judging competition you held: Virtual, showcase, modified:

Thank you for providing us with some information to share click here